Moral (Principles) Monday

Bonjour! Here at Philosophy Matters, we talk a lot about morals and ethics, so today I thought I’d briefly discuss some of the philosophical principles most of the ethical codes in the helping professions are based upon.  First, I should point out that most professional organizations have some sort of ethical code that members must… Continue reading Moral (Principles) Monday

Moral Monday: Political Advertisements (TV Edition)

Merry Moral Monday! So, I’ve been told there’s some sort of democratic rights of citizens shindig going on tomorrow.  In honour of electing complete strangers to later actually elect (or re-elect) the personage who shall bear the burdensome title of “Mr. President,” I wanted to pose a couple of questions for readers to consider critically. … Continue reading Moral Monday: Political Advertisements (TV Edition)

Moral Monday: Kill Kindergarten or ‘Ssassinate Senior Year?

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! Another heightened emphasis of Philosophy Matters is critical thinking, and today I’m going to attempt to highlight that with some oldies and goodies such as education and ethics.  I should first mention that critical thinking is one of the major cruxes of most branches of psychology.  Some may wonder,… Continue reading Moral Monday: Kill Kindergarten or ‘Ssassinate Senior Year?

Word(l)y Wednesdays: We Didn’t Start the Fire

Ethos (Our language values) With language being  such an unavoidable part of our lives, it gets very closely tied to our beliefs and values from other areas of our lives. In 1976, a series of fires in a Chicago neighborhood killed more than 20 Spanish-speaking residents. One of the problems was that when the fire… Continue reading Word(l)y Wednesdays: We Didn’t Start the Fire

Intentional Communities

JJ: This past week we watched and traveled to Fairhope, AL, which got us thinking a lot about intentional communities. I asked my friend Clay Parks to join our discussion. He’s looking to start an intentional community in Missouri. Below are his answers to the questions that we presented him. Clay: Tell us a little bit… Continue reading Intentional Communities

Categorized as Ethics