Moral Monday: Going to Camp

I’m back from my hiatus teaching at Mississippi Governor’s School for three weeks. I had even less time to work on this blog than I thought I would, but the process of being there was amazing and life-changing, and is something I plan to write more about soon. This particular dilemma seemed appropriate in light… Continue reading Moral Monday: Going to Camp

Moral Mondays: The Spam

You are the network administrator for a rather large company. You have a young family and need your job to support them. As part of your responsibility as a network administrator is to monitor the emails for the organization. Usually this just means occasionally allow through emails for staff members that have been accidentally blocked… Continue reading Moral Mondays: The Spam

Moral Monday: Making Rugs

Today’s Moral Dilemma: You are a child slave in Africa, laboring away 18 hours a day making rugs. One night, you have a dream: God comes down from heaven and tells you that no one, not one person in the world, is buying your rugs. Would you feel: Tell us why in the comments!

Introducing Moral Monday: The Sadistic Guard

NPR recently published an interesting article on the psychology of fraud. The article essentially argues that when we’re thinking about a decision from one point of view, such as business, we can forget to consider other points of views, like ethics: Essentially, Tenbrunsel argues, certain cognitive frames make us blind to the fact that we… Continue reading Introducing Moral Monday: The Sadistic Guard