34 Unique Geeky Gifts for Thinking Men and Women

Cards Against Humanity

As a geek who like to think, I often get told that it’s difficult to purchase gifts for me. This always comes as a surprise, because I have wide-ranging interests and there are all kinds of things I would be thrilled to get. Come to find out, that’s not obvious to others who may not be as geeky. So consider this your shopping guide for unique geeky gifts for the thinking men or women in your life! Click an item for more information.

$25 and Less (Acquaintances) 

1. Philosophical Finger Puppets

Great Philosophers Finger Puppet Set

Finger puppets are making a huge come-back, we promise! These philosopher finger puppets will lead to hours of fun, whether it’s goofing off in between writing emails or recording sensational YouTube hits!

2. Doctor Who coffee mug

The Disappearing Tardis Mug

Every good geek is a Doctor Who fan these days, and these mugs will add a little big of fun to the morning cup of coffee. The Tardis disappears from one place and reappears in another as the coffee warms the mug! For the bigger geek, consider the Doctor Who and Philosophy book!

3. Zombie Jerky


Harcos Labs Zombie Jerky Teriyaki

Zombie movies are so last week. A true geek wants to show off that they’ve conquered the zombie apocalypse – and what better way than with a little pre-packaged zombie jerky? Nom nom nom!

4. Chrononauts Game


Chrononauts is a card game about time traveling, and it’s hugely addicting! As you travel through history, you try to correct the time line to match your character, trying not to create too many paradoxes along the way, all while preventing your opponents from creating their own perfect time line. Competitive, innovative, and FUN!

5. John Locke magnet

Magnetic Poetry® Mind Over Magnets - Locke's Inalienable Rights. MP3265

Locke’s inalienable rights magnet – a great reminder to always have around!

6. Flobots – Circle in the Square album

Circle in the Square

This is an album that challenges you to think about the state of things around you, such as whether or not truth matters. It’s rare you can find an album that you can groove to while it gets you thinking at the same time.

7. Nerf gun

N-Strike Barricade RV-10

Remember, play matters! And a nerf gun is sure to add a bit of fun to your day, whether it’s a surprise attack at the office, or pulling it out from under your pillow just before bed!

8. Beer soap

IPA Beer Soap - Made with Dogfish Head's 90 Minute India Pale Ale

This beer soap would make a unique gift that most people wouldn’t think to buy for themselves. Geeks and beer go together naturally, and it never hurts to add a little lather to that combination! It’s never a bad time to celebrate beer.

9. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance book

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Publisher: William Morrow

One of my favorite books of all time, this is a great gift for any thinking man or woman. Click here for an example of how it can get you thinking. 

10. The Effects of TV book

The Effects of TV: How To Be Happy and Live the Good Life

This book explains how TV can impact our happiness – encourage your geek to get out there and do more with this one.

11. Unlimited Book

Unlimited: A Three-Step Plan for Achieving Your Dreams

Although this is a book by Jillian Michaels of Biggest Loser fame, it focuses on more than just exercise, as it’s a guide to achieving your dreams. This book stands out from a lot of the others that get published in the self help field these days.

12. Against Happiness book

Against Happiness: In Praise of Melancholy

Tired of hearing about happiness? Maybe this is the book for your geek then. It argues that melancholy is the key to creativity and the prose used to present this argument is absolutely beautiful and rolls off the tongue. Maybe struggle is necessary for happiness?

13. XKCD Science t-shirt

STAND BACK I'M GOING TO TRY SCIENCE - Tee Shirt Gildan Softstyle Black (Large)

A reference to one of the best web-comics out there, XKCD. Stand back, I’m going to try science!

14. Reality Is Broken book

Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

A look at how video games can play an important role in actually improving our lives!

$25-$50 (Friends)

 15. “Are You Happy” t-shirt

Are You Happy?
This shirt gets us and our friends thinking about whether or not we’re really happy – and reminds us that philosophy matters!
16. Sisyphus watch

Sisyphus Watch

The Sisyphus watch features a rock continually pushed around the outside of this watch. It’s a constant reminder of our existential struggle!

17. Bamboo wood iPhone case

Vers Handcrafted Wood ShellCase for iPhone - Bamboo

This fancy bamboo case classes up any iPhone.

18. Avengers Blu-Ray

Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging)

A perfect addition to any geek’s collection.

19. Cards Against Humanity game

Cards Against Humanity

This new card game is a bit like Apples to Apples on crack, and promises hours of hilarity. It has quickly become the favorite game at my house.

20. Bluetooth speaker

Creative D100 Bluetooth Wireless Speaker (Blue)

This is a bluetooth speaker that can be connected to any bluetooth capable phone, laptop, or other device. It can also run off of batteries for complete wireless capability, which is awesome! I strapped this to the back of my bike and used it to crank out jams on a 40 mile bike ride with friends. It’s also nice to just crank it up when you’re cooking!

21. Settlers of Catan game

The Settlers of Catan

This one’s a classic board game, and yet, many still haven’t heard of it. Any geek is sure to fall in ove with it quickly.

22. Aristotle and Homer bookends

Aristotle & Homer Bust Bookends Greek Philosophy

These Homer and Aristotle bust bookends look awesome on any bookshelf, and I’ve had them gracing mine for a few years now. A definite standout.

23. 30 minute hour glass

G.W.Schleidt 30 Minute Sand Timer - Yellow Sand in Cherry Stand

This 30 minute hour glass adds instanct class, and can also be quite functional. One of my productivity tips is to set a timer for working on something and focus intently on that and only that for the duration of that timer. Try that out with this hour glass!

24. Portal bookends

Portal 2 Bookends

I have a lot of books, so I like a lot of bookends! These Portal bookends offer a nice contrast to some of the others I’ve included on this list.


$50-$100 (Family)

25. Fisheye lens for iPhone

Olloclip Quick-Connect Lens Solution (Fisheye Lens, Macro Lens, Wide-angle Lens)for iPhone 4 / 4S - OC-IPH4-FWM-R - Red

This fisheye lens adds some pizzaz and fun to the otherwise standard iPhone camera.

26. Beer homebrewing kit

Gold Complete Beer Equipment Kit (K6) with 6 Gallon Glass Carboy

Every geek has an interest in how things work, and what better way to explore that curiosity than through beer? This home brewing kit is sure to be an awesome surprise!

27. Athena statue

Athena Statue - Goddess of Wisdom, War, & the Arts - Greek Mythology - Magnificent !!

This statue of Athena is a tribute to the goddess of wisdom (and warfare, among other things…). Any lover of wisdom (read: philosopher) can appreciate this statue.

28. Aristotle statue

Sale - Aristotle Sculpture - Ships Immediatly !

Not into goddesses? Come back down to earth with this Aristotle statue!

29. Thoreau print

Historic Print (M): Site of Thoreau's hut, Lake Walden, Concord, Mass.

This gorgeous and historic Thoreau print would stand out on any wall.

$100 and up (Lovers)

30. Kindle Fire

Kindle Fire HD 8.9", Dolby Audio, Dual-Band Wi-Fi, 16 GB - Includes Special Offers

The Kindle Fire is on fire. Book and media lovers all agree this is a great device to have.

31. Keurig coffee maker

Keurig B60 Special Edition Brewing System

This coffee machine offers a great way to enjoy a one-off cup caffeine fix. Yum!

32. Tense wood watch

Tense Round Two-Tone Solid Wood Watch G7509SD Hypoallergenic

This watch will stand out and generate comments any where it gets worn. I’ve had it for a few months now and couldn’t be happier. Plus, it’s so incredibly light, I often forget I’m wearing a watch!

33. Aristotle bust

Ancient Greek Figure Ii Bronze Bust Sculpture Plato

Another stunningly awesome Aristotle bust.

$500 and up (Soulmates)

34. 11″ Macbook Air 

Apple MacBook Air MD224LL/A 11.6-Inch Laptop (NEWEST VERSION)

11″ Macbook Air. I got one and I’m in love. It’s tiny. It’s gorgeous. It’s a Mac.

By JJ Sylvia IV

J.J. Sylvia IV attended Mississippi State University where he received B.A. degrees in philosophy and communications. He later received a philosophy M.A. from the University of Southern Mississippi.


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