Psychology of Effectiveness: Starting the New Year Well

Merry New Year (tomorrow)! If you were expecting JustHeath to talk about New Year’s resolutions, then I’m afraid that I’m going to have to disappoint you.  You see, I do not make them…never have, never plan on doing so in the future.  I’m certainly not against them or the concept, but my personal decision is… Continue reading Psychology of Effectiveness: Starting the New Year Well

Meme Analysis: Columbine Student’s Father 12 Years Later !!

Facebook Memes, Information Overload, and Religion in the Classroom Normally, I just don’t pay much attention to ridiculous memes on Facebook, and scroll past them with a “to each his own” attitude. However, a recent meme, in combination with a discussion that I had with fellow Philosophy Matters author, b0t, has gotten me thinking a… Continue reading Meme Analysis: Columbine Student’s Father 12 Years Later !!

The Ethics of Santa Claus

First, I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. It’s been quite the first year for Philosophy Matters, and today I’m thankful for the wonderful co-authors who contribute to this blog, the new friends we’ve made along the way, and the interesting discussion that we’ve been able to have! I’m also excited about what’s in… Continue reading The Ethics of Santa Claus

We’re Number One?!?!?: Sports and Psychology

Merry Monday! JustHeath likes sports and athletic events.  JustHeath also places a huge value on loyalty.  Thus, you may be thinking that I am one of those diehard fans of one’s alma mater(s)…you would be in error.  I enjoy close games between skilled opponents and not blowouts regardless of whether or not “my” team is… Continue reading We’re Number One?!?!?: Sports and Psychology

Thanks-for-Giving: The Gifted

  Merry Thanks-for-Giving Week! JustHeath has often been described as “mysterious,” “private,” “esoteric,” etc.  This criticism is fair.  However, I’m going to divulge some things today, so pay attention! (Revelation #1:  JustHeath very much dislikes unnecessarily repeating himself.)  Firstly, I admit that I am somewhat resistant to anything resembling a fad (Revelation #2), so that… Continue reading Thanks-for-Giving: The Gifted

Philosophy Book Club: Going Down

Full Disclosure: John Tuepker was my high school history teacher and is also the uncle of Philosophy Matters contributor Fr. Jimmy Morrison. Wide Ranging Although I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this book, what I found was a well-researched, thorough, and strong argument presented in a logical order, though the passion often overflows… Continue reading Philosophy Book Club: Going Down

Moral (Principles) Monday

Bonjour! Here at Philosophy Matters, we talk a lot about morals and ethics, so today I thought I’d briefly discuss some of the philosophical principles most of the ethical codes in the helping professions are based upon.  First, I should point out that most professional organizations have some sort of ethical code that members must… Continue reading Moral (Principles) Monday

Moral Monday: Political Advertisements (TV Edition)

Merry Moral Monday! So, I’ve been told there’s some sort of democratic rights of citizens shindig going on tomorrow.  In honour of electing complete strangers to later actually elect (or re-elect) the personage who shall bear the burdensome title of “Mr. President,” I wanted to pose a couple of questions for readers to consider critically. … Continue reading Moral Monday: Political Advertisements (TV Edition)

Moral Monday: Kill Kindergarten or ‘Ssassinate Senior Year?

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! Another heightened emphasis of Philosophy Matters is critical thinking, and today I’m going to attempt to highlight that with some oldies and goodies such as education and ethics.  I should first mention that critical thinking is one of the major cruxes of most branches of psychology.  Some may wonder,… Continue reading Moral Monday: Kill Kindergarten or ‘Ssassinate Senior Year?