What Your Facebook Profile Picture Says About You

Can you tell if Einstein is left- or right-brained based on his Facebook profile picture?

I. INTRODUCTION: While our inner thoughts, processes and philosophies are inside of us we can sometimes express those identifiers subconsciously. We’ve heard of left- and right-brained people; here’s an easy chart to help you understand what that means: What I want to know is if we can we use self-preferred photography or commissioned art to… Continue reading What Your Facebook Profile Picture Says About You

Noticing Beauty

Of all places, I received the following from my insurance agent at Allstate. I thought this was a particularly interesting message in the midst of thinking about beauty. It’s all around us, constantly. We just have to stop to notice it:   “A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and played the… Continue reading Noticing Beauty

Categorized as Beauty

Umberto Eco’s History of Beauty

An important piece of preparing for my upcoming aesthetic’s course is  Eco claims to take a look at beauty historically with no preconceived notions. As far as that task goes, it’s a huge success, and I was personally introduced to a wide variety of artistic styles with which I wasn’t previously familiar. The biggest weakness is that… Continue reading Umberto Eco’s History of Beauty

Review: Susan Sontag On Photography

Why On Photography Matters  is one of the most quoted academic works on the subject of photograph, and generally comes up any time you’re having a serious discussion about photography. I recently read it while developing an aesthetics class that is going to focus on questions about what art and beauty are. Photography is one of the… Continue reading Review: Susan Sontag On Photography