Atheist Week

It’s a small and entirely symbolic gesture, but each week for the past few years I’ve participated in A-Week, a cause which consists of changing one’s Facebook profile photo to support the movement and show that one is an atheist. Why bother? Atheists are more discriminated against in the U.S. than any other group. First,… Continue reading Atheist Week

Categorized as Atheism

Movie Monday: The Meaning of Life

“There’s everything in this movie, / Everything that fits. / From the Meaning of Life in the universe, / To girls with great big tits. / We’ve got movie stars and foreign cars, / Explosions and the lot / Filmed as only we know how, / On the budget that we’ve got. / We spent… Continue reading Movie Monday: The Meaning of Life

The Ethics of Santa Claus

First, I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. It’s been quite the first year for Philosophy Matters, and today I’m thankful for the wonderful co-authors who contribute to this blog, the new friends we’ve made along the way, and the interesting discussion that we’ve been able to have! I’m also excited about what’s in… Continue reading The Ethics of Santa Claus

5 Ways To Comfort an Atheist

In September, my grandmother passed away. Although I lost a grandfather when I was very young, this is the closest relative I’ve lost in my adult life. Although I’ve thought, read, and even taught about death, this was a stark refresher course on what it’s like to experience the grieving process a little more closely,… Continue reading 5 Ways To Comfort an Atheist

Categorized as Atheism