Book Club: Economics of Attention

Book Club: Economics of Attention Starting this week at Philosophy Matters, we’re going to be reading The Economics of Attention. Attention is something I’ve written about the importance attention before, and I think it’s a topic that’s important to philosophy. We need to have time to reflect if we’re even going to do philosophy. This… Continue reading Book Club: Economics of Attention

NSA Loyalty Rewards Program: $1,000 Tax Rebate

I keep waiting for this headline to appear. In the ongoing struggle between privacy and convenience, convenience  often seems to win without much debate. Marketing and advertising professionals seem to have unlocked the key to getting consumers happily hand over data about themselves: simply offer some rewards. If you let us track all of your… Continue reading NSA Loyalty Rewards Program: $1,000 Tax Rebate

Self Esteem

This post is part of a series by my students at Mississippi Governor’s School. As a final project, they were challenged with creating an idea that could be used on a massive scale to help others live the good life. Philosophy is my life. Before I took this class, I would always ask “Why?” or… Continue reading Self Esteem

The Goals of Higher Education

I’m taking Cathy Davidson’s Coursera course on the History and Future of Higher Education, so I thought it would be a good time to reflect on some thoughts about higher education that were prompted in a pedagogy class I took last semester. In the book , Jo Sprague discusses four potential goals of education: Transmit… Continue reading The Goals of Higher Education

Categorized as Education

4 Questions For the MOOC Dream and Higher Education

  Let’s play a quick a game. See if you can guess when the following passage was written and to what technology it was referring. The writer hoped that students could be taught by: “a single inspiring teacher who speaks to the thousands of revived students through [a technology]. A whole nation of students might… Continue reading 4 Questions For the MOOC Dream and Higher Education